
May 13, 2013

WAng Kelian suatu masa dahulu.

Assalamualaikum. Hai guys.
Today i just want to share with you guys about one of my activity during weekend a long time ago.
17 March 2013, i woke up at 8 a.m and feel so bored. Argghhh What to do on Sunday?! then suddenly my housemate, Redzuan, suggested that why don't we go to Wang Kelian? (For your info, Wang Kelian was located at the border between Perlis, Malaysia and Thailand). So i just like " Ooohh Ok, who else wanna go with?" when we look into each room the result is other housemates still sleeping. Hmmm.. i look at Redzuan, and he look at me. smiling ;) Hahaha.. Oh man, today is Sunday and we are not plan about a convoy to anywhere.

after about 30min, Firdaus(Pidot) woke up.. Haaa.. "Pidot, come on we go convoy to Wang Kelian?" Redzuan ask. "Who else?" Pidot ask. only three of us. then he said ok, wait a sec.

Although just three of us, we enjoy our convoy. It's around 30 Kilometers away from aur house at Arau, Perlis. We depart at 9 a.m and arrived 20min after.
The worst part in our convoy are when we have to go through UPP(Unit Pencegahan Penyeludupan) 10 Kilometers before Wang Kelian, We have to done an urine test (WTH!!). Because of we just ride a motorcycle then we have to do the test? why don't UPP demand the other group of teenagers in the car?
I'm not argue because of afraid about urine test, but i'm not satisfied with their fair service.

Three of us pass the urine test and continue our convoy to destination. And WOW!! Wang Kelian is just beside the Thailand, and we take an advantage to cross the border to step in Thailand.
Cey.. our feeling like "We are going to overseas man..just with our bike. hahaha"

about an hour we walk around and just bought a fridge magnet. hehe. Not planed well, so we don't have much money to shopping. ;) Good place to go because when we cross the border(just 5 kilometer , the environment was so different. Not the same like environment in Malaysian.

I wish i can go further into Thailand maybe to Krabi or Hatnyai one day with my convoy. hehe..

Maybe some people out there will say " Alaaa.. only Thailand"... I'll not take that idea because i know that i enjoyed it. Thanks ALLAH for give me the opportunities.

*kalau ada salah grammar harap dimaafkan. Practice make perfect. peace.

Before that please take a look ;)